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Shivaji's Naval Expedition to Basrur

In feb. 1665, Shivaji personally led the 1st naval expedition to Basrur. The navy consisted of 50 frigates, 3 little ships & some small craft with 4000 soldiers. He set sail from Maland port(Ratnagiri dist.) & reached Basrur probably on 13th feb 1665.

Shivaji Maharaj Naval Expedition to Basrur | The Fort Of Basrur | Barcelor | Vasupura
Shivaji’s naval activities figure in a number of Portuguese, Dutch & British records. He had constant encounters with his constant rival – Siddi of Janjira. In feb. 1665, Shivaji personally led the 1st naval expedition to Basrur. The navy consisted of 50 frigates, 3 little ships & some small craft with 4000 soldiers. He set sail from Maland port(Ratnagiri dist.) & reached Basrur probably on 13th feb 1665.
Shivaji Maharaj Naval Expedition to Basrur | The Fort Of Basrur | Barcelor | Vasupura
Basrur (Bareclore/Vasupura/Bares/Barselor) on Canara coast belonged to the principality of Bidnur. The town was plundered. The Dutch estimated the value of plunder as 3 lakh guilders which might be correct. The Maratha chronicles have placed the figure at 2crore hons(8crore rupees), an incredible sum! On the way back Shivaji stayed for some time at Gokarna, Mahabaleshwar & Karwar. He hurried back to his capital Rajgad by the land route in the 3rd week of march 1665.

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Courtesy : T. S. Shejwalkar's article.

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