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‘Pulse Polio’ programme held at Basrur


Basrur, Jan. 19: Rotary club Kundapur and Health Dept. have jointly organized ‘Pulse Polio’ campaign at Primary Health Center Basrur on Sunday. Basrur Mahalingeshwar temple Muktesara and social activist Shri B. Appanna Hegde inaugurated the campaign by giving 2 polio drops to a child at the center.

        Addressing the campaign, Kundapur Rotary club president Sheriyar Gopalkrishna Shetty said “It is an unforgettable moment to me to be the president of the Rotary club when India has become a Polio free nation this year. The Rotary club since 19 years has contineously delivered its efforts for this purpose and every one who have supported this campaign are really appreciable”.
Rotary zone-1 Pulse Polio co-ordinater Ro.Dr.S.Rajiv formally gave information on how the pulse polio campaign started before 19 years.

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