Sri Sharada College, Basrur
Sri Sharada College, Basrur, Udupi District is an esteemed Institution of Higher learning; affiliated to Mangalore University. The college was founded by Sri Sharada College trust (Regd.), Basrur in 1972, to meet the demands of rural youth for higher education. Since then it has been striving to empower the economically less fortunate and socially marginalised sections of society with knowledge and skills required to face the challenges of modern world.
Realizing the need for Higher Education to the rural, the local educationists and philanthropists decided to start Sri Sharada College at Basrur village kundapur taluk. They constituted a trust named “Sri Sharada College Trust”.It was registered on 18th March,1972 under Society Registration act at sub-Registration office, kundapur.

Founder Trustees were: Sri B.V.Bhandary (the president), Sri H.V.Kamath(the vice president), Sri B.V.R.Hegde(the trustee), Sri S.P.Tholar, Dr.H. Shantharam, Dr.B.B.Hegde, Sri B.S.Jagannath Shetty were the Trustees. Prof.S.Shivaram shetty was the founder Secretary.
During 1972-73 the College started with 1st & 2nd year Pre-University classes with Arts & commerce Section. On the very next year i.e. during 1973-74, the College was up-graded to impart under-graduate B.A & B.Com degree education affiliated to Mysore University. Swamiji of Sri Kashi math Samsthan leased 4 acres of land. Sri.B.V.R.Hegde,Sri Ramakrishnayya, had also donated land to construct College landing. Dharmadhikari Sri Virendra Heggade Dharmasthala inaugurated the College building.
The P.U.College was admitted to grant in the very year of inception and Degree College was admitted to grant, after 3 years i.e. during 1976-77. Prof.S.S.Shivaram Shetty was the founder Principal.
During 1979-80,the two Colleges were merged and became composite Degree College. Mangalore University granted permanent affiliation to the College during 1988-89. The College has been admitted under sec.2(f) and 12 B of UGC Act.
During 1996-97 the College celebrated “Silver Jubilee” with useful programs .The College in an esteemed Institution of Higher Studies, providing education to rural youths, irrespective of caste, creed and sex with knowledge and skills required to the challenges of modern world. The peer Team of NAAC assessed the College and accredited B+ grade in 2004 .It has been reaccredited by the NAAC in the academic year 2010-11. The founders of the college that no education in worth the name, if the instruction in various disciplines are not accompanied by proper shaping of character. Moral and spiritual camps being held in the beginning of every a academic year, inaugurated by Sri Swamiji of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mangalore to create good moral and cultured atmosphere in the students community.